The South Lake El Dorado Narcotics Enforcement Team (SLEDNET) has been investigating complaints of prostitution. The investigation focused on individuals who conduct human trafficking through advertisements for escort services placed on websites such as “”
On Thursday 01/21/2015, SLEDNET Agents, with the assistance of the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office and South Lake Tahoe Police Department conducted an investigation into prostitution and sex trafficking in the Tahoe basin. This investigation resulted in the arrest of three individuals for Prostitution in violation of California Penal Code statute 647(B) which is a Misdemeanor. One individual, 37 year old Daniel Gordon of Reno, was arrested for Pimping in violation of California Penal Code statue 266 H (A) which is a Felony, as well as driving on a suspended / revoked license violation of 14601.1(a) of the California Vehicle Code.
SLEDNET has observed an increase in prostitution, both locally and in the surrounding areas. We are committed to actively enforcing the prostitution laws and holding those participating in this criminal activity accountable. SLEDNET strives for excellence in policing by partnering with the community to enhance the quality of life.