With winter fully upon us, the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services would like to take this opportunity to advise our residents of NEW sandbag distribution locations. There will now only be two locations, and they will be located at:
#1. The Department of Transportation Yard at 4451 Missouri Flat Road in Diamond Springs. The Big Red Barn at the intersection of Missouri Flat Road and Old Depot Road.
#2. The Tahoe Search and Rescue Building at 1834 Santa Fe Ave, Meyers, South Lake Tahoe.
These will be the only locations where EMERGENCY sandbags will be available. All previous locations will no longer have sand or sandbags.
Affected El Dorado County residents may initially receive 10 free sandbags to protect their property from disastrous storm flooding. These will be self-serve stations with assistance provided by the El Dorado Sheriff’s Volunteer Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members.
This service is available when disastrous storms are predicted by the National Weather Service that may warrant the need for EMERGENCY sandbagging on personal property. The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services will determine when the service is needed and will notify county residents by social media and our website when the stations will be open, including hours of operation.
Residents that experience annual flooding issues during periods of normal winter storms, such as the one we are currently experiencing, are advised to take proactive measures and purchase sand bags and sand from many of our local hardware stores for use during non-emergency conditions. Don’t wait for it to become a county-wide emergency situation.