Gold Ridge- Voluntary
The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office has issued a voluntary evacuation order for the following area. All residences west of Sly Park Road south of highway 50 to the southern end of the Gold Ridge Trail where it ties in with Sly Park Road due to the wild land fire.
Voluntary Advisement Area (Gold Ridge Trail)
Amber Trail, Bourbon Street, Easy Street, Gold Ridge Trail, Greenleaf Lane, Hazel Street, Jade Court, Jade Drive, Leaf Circle, Mayflower Road, Mica Court, Midway Avenue, Misery Lane, Onyx Trail, Racoon Trail, Ridgeway Drive (east of Easy Street), Rocky Court, Roland Court, Ruby Court, Sanchez Drive, Sesame Street, Sly Park Road (west side, Hwy 50 to Gold Ridge south), Spirit Lane, Teal Lane, Toboggan Road, Topaz Drive, Upper Topaz Drive, Zinc Drive, Zircon Drive

Note highway 50 is currently closed east of Sly Park to the Fresh Pond area. The Red Cross has established an evacuation shelter at the Seventh Day Adventist Church located at 3520 Carson Road in Camino.